
Shrey Jain

Shrey Jain is a Web3 researcher at Microsoft. Shrey’s research focuses on coordination and identity. Shrey is also a technical advisor to product teams at Microsoft and its partners on the best ways to explore Web3 incubations. Shrey works under Glen Weyl and Yorke Rhodes and collaborates with key Web3 researchers like Vitalik Buterin. Shrey previously did research in machine learning for health at the Vector Institute of Technology and MIT CSAIL under the advisory of Dr. Marzyeh Ghassemi as well as worked with Microsoft’s Health & AI team. Previously, Shrey has also launched large-scale healthcare projects during the COVID-19 pandemic projects advised by Geoffrey Hinton that operated in Canada and Somalia. Shrey loves to travel, and has qualified for 3 age group world championship triathlons coached by Paula Findlay.